Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Digital Human Genomics

Genomic sequencing translates the pattern of DNA, the biological code that determines the development and life functions of all living things. The first human genome was sequenced in 2003 through the work of the Human Genome Project, a collaborative effort of many governments to identify the genetic value of DNA, determine sequences, store information, improve data analysis, transfer technology to the private sector, and address ethical and social issues. (Human Genome Project, Information) Technology at that point was based on Frederick Sanger’s 1975 work that decoded portions of DNA then reassembled them for a full picture, costing $500 million dollars and taking weeks with multiple staff members. (Wade, 2009)  Using Dr. Quake’s technology and complex algorithms has opened up a new era of information technology, and the cost has been reduced from $250,000 in 2009 to only $999 at present and sequencing takes only one day. (Wade, 2009) This has made the technology for understanding genetic makeup affordable to a wide range of individuals as well as medical professionals and their patients and has taken technology from academic exercise to human application. The increased affordability and access, however, raises questions as to the appropriate uses of a most precious piece of personal biological information.

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